Vetus testaméntum |
Ambrosius Benson, Judith caput Holoférnis osténdens EN Judith with the Head of Holofernes. paintingstar s104447. |
Sancta família |
Ambrosius Benson, Sancta família EN
Holy Family. paintingstar s104445. |
Ambrosius Benson, Sancta família cum Joánne
Baptísta EN Holy Family With St.john. paintingstar s104446. |
Virgo cum infánte |
Ambrosius Benson, Virgo cum infánte. paintingstar s104457. |
Sancti |
Ambrosius Benson (fin XV s. -1550) et officína, Sanctus Lucas evangelísta EN Saint
Luke the Evangelist, prim. dim. XVI s., Priv. coll. Oleo in quérceo
týmpano, 42,5×31,1 cm. |
Officína |
Officína Ambrosius Benson (fin XV s. - 1550), Virgo cum infánte in rosário, EN. Virgin and child in a rose garden, Coll. priv (dorotheum 1095610). Oleo in tela, 98×80 cm. |
Secutóres |
Secútor Ambrosius Benson (fin. XV s. - 1550), Virgo cum infánte in rosário, EN. Virgin and child in a rose garden, Coll. priv (anticstore 85286P). Oleo in quérceo týmpano, 95×73 cm |
Secútor, Ambrosius Benson, Judith cum cápite Holoférnis DE Judith mit dem Haupt des Holofernes, sec. par. XVI s.., Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, Inv. 1143. Oléo, 88,7 x 69,5 cm. |